“In Bikaner, a staggering event unfolded as an acre of farmland suddenly sank, swallowing trees and roads into a 30-meter-deep hole.”

In Bikaner, an acre of farmland sunk, swallowing trees and roads, into a 30-meter-deep hole.

A startling incident shook SAHJRASAR village in KELUNAKANSAR, Bikaner district on Tuesday, as the land suddenly sank nearly 30 meters. Typically, incidents of land sinking come to light, but this event has left locals in terror. Nearly an acre of farmland in SAHJRASAR village in LUNKARANASAR has been observed sinking to the same depth this unexpected incident has sparked fear and uncertainty among the community, especially considering the absence of mining activities in the area.

Upon receiving information about the incident, geological experts rushed to the scene to investigate. The incident occurred in SAHJRASAR village of LUNKARANASAR, where a farmer arrived at his field on Tuesday and discovered nearly one and a half acres of his land had sunk inward. Suddenly, the surrounding trees and road all collapsed into this pit.

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The occurrence in Bikaner, Rajasthan, has left locals bewildered and concerned.

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